Climate Champion

Let’s put people first when we rebuild our economy.
It's time for leadership to confront the climate crisis.
We need more homes that people can afford.
All workers deserve to be respected and protected.
Gun violence is preventable.
Healthcare is a human right.
This is what Alex believes.
Steve Garey, Retired President of the United Steelworkers, Local 12-591
Andrea Doll, Anacortes Planning Commissioner & retired Alaska Stat Rep.
Michael Shepard, Bellingham Port Commission
Boyd Pratt, Former San Juan Island School District Board Member
Lovel Pratt, Former Member of the San Juan County Council
Stephanie Buffum, Shaw Island
May 12, 2022
BELLINGHAM, WA — Six labor unions, together representing more than 150,000 Washington workers, have offered early, exclusive endorsement of WA state Rep. Alex Ramel’s run for reelection in the 40th District.
February 11, 2022
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Legislators in the Washington State House are moving to get flood recovery funding into the hands of Whatcom County farmers. Members voted unanimously on Wednesday, February 9th, to approve House Bill 2051, which would go into effect immediately once Governor Inslee signs it.
February 8, 2022
In my district in Northwest Washington, many families and small businesses are still reeling from the devastating flooding we experienced in recent months. With a warmer climate fueling the intensity of the weather extremes we’re experiencing; we know the climate crisis has unfortunately arrived. Now, we must find ways to become more resilient, so that our families, communities, and state are prepared for the future.